Trovati 88 livelli idrici aggiornati per 'Platte'

BELGIO - [ ]

Stazione Corpo d'acquaLivello idricoPortataMappa
Damme Plattekreek 209.9 cm


Stazione Corpo d'acquaLivello idricoPortataMappa
64th Ave. Commerce City South Platte R 1.55964 ft 20.121 cfs
Above Elevenmile Reservoir South Platte 1.179816 ft
Above Keystone North Platte 2.419328 ft 16.944 cfs
Atwood South Platte 1.719704 ft 85.426 cfs
Below Antero Reservoir South Platte 0.269944 ft 4.942 cfs
Below Cheesman Reservoir South Platte 1.03976 ft 115.078 cfs
Below Whalen Diversion Dam North Platte 4.348952 ft 4.942 cfs
Brady Platte 2.139544 ft 79.425 cfs
Brady Channel 4 Platte River 0.749808 ft 33.888 cfs
Casper North Platte 0.669776 ft 524.911 cfs
Chatfield Reservoir South Platte 5436.047976 ft
Cheesman Reservoir South Platte 6834.49008 ft
Cottonwood Ranch Near Overton Platte 5.40872 ft 500.907 cfs
Denver South Platte 3.049088 ft 164.851 cfs
Dunraven Platte Kill 4.008816 ft 76.248 cfs
Englewood South Platte 11.157248 ft 64.599 cfs
Englewood (Second Station) South Platte 1.55964 ft 94.251 cfs
Fort Lupton South Platte 3.469256 ft 377.71 cfs
Fort Morgan South Platte 10.177512 ft 704.588 cfs
Fremont Platte 7.48824 ft
Gilboa Platter Kill 2.139544 ft 30.711 cfs
Grant North Fork South Platte 0.849848 ft 89.309 cfs
Guernsey Reservoir North Platte 4396.184328 ft
Henderson South Platte 3.699184 ft 288.048 cfs
Honor Platte (N Lower Mi) 1.179816 ft 108.018 cfs
Julesburg South Platte River 3.179304 ft 45.89 cfs
Kingsley Dam North Platte River 3235.271624 ft
Kortes Reservoir North Platte River 3.989136 ft
La Platte Platte 11.04704 ft
La Platte, Nebr. Platte 11.067048 ft
Lewellen North Platte 6.128352 ft 731.769 cfs
Lisco North Platte 1.309704 ft 929.449 cfs
Louisville Platte 3.3292 ft 6117.49 cfs
Louisville, Nebr [Primary Stage Sensor] Platte 3.319032 ft
Maxwell Platte 3.969128 ft 112.96 cfs
Near Agency Platte 7.048064 ft 436.661 cfs
Near Ashland Platte 14.296208 ft 5147.799 cfs
Near Balzac South Platte 2.319288 ft 262.985 cfs
Near Bridgeport North Platte 4.148872 ft 744.83 cfs
Near Cozad (North Channel) Platte 2.60924 ft 103.782 cfs
Near Cozad (South Channel) Platte 3.449248 ft 697.881 cfs
Near Crook South Platte 2.589232 ft 71.659 cfs
Near Darr Platte 6.538352 ft 212.859 cfs
Near Duncan Platte 3.528952 ft 707.765 cfs
Near Elm Creek Elm Creek (Trib. To Platte River) 0.549728 ft 0 cfs
Near Glenrock North Platte 0.93972 ft 726.827 cfs
Near Grand Island Platte 3.599144 ft 613.867 cfs
Near Henry North Platte 2.229416 ft 166.969 cfs
Near Julesburg Julc2 South Platte 3.02908 ft 0 cfs
Near Kearney Platte 2.959216 ft 754.714 cfs
Near Kersey South Platte 2.5994 ft 487.846 cfs
Near Lake George South Platte 1.229672 ft 147.907 cfs
Near Leshara Platte 4.458832 ft 4617.946 cfs
Near Minatare North Platte 1.939464 ft 386.888 cfs
Near Mitchell North Platte 1.219832 ft 363.943 cfs
Near Northgate North Platte 3.109112 ft 421.835 cfs
Near Odessa Platte 3.279016 ft
Near Orin North Platte 3.829072 ft 660.816 cfs
Near Overton Platte 3.829072 ft 2109.175 cfs
Near Overton, Nebr. Platte R, J2 Outflow And S Ch, 8.317752 ft 1529.196 cfs
Near Overton, Nebr. [Primary Stage Sensor] Platte 3.829072 ft
Near Platte Platte Creek 2.029336 ft 2.824 cfs
Near Plattsburg Little Platte 7.997952 ft 13.061 cfs
Near Schuyler Platte 5.868576 ft
Near Shelton Platte 3.109112 ft
Near Sherwood Platter Creek 1.7794 ft 9.178 cfs
Near Sinclair North Platte 3.409232 ft 452.899 cfs
Near Sutherland North Platte 3.069096 ft 50.479 cfs
Near Trumbull South Platte Blw Brush Crk 3.619152 ft 136.964 cfs
Near Venice Nebr. Platte 11.417024 ft 3988.194 cfs
Near Weldona South Platte 2.80932 ft 517.851 cfs
North Bend Platte 3.499104 ft 4038.32 cfs
North Platte South Platte 6.838144 ft 532.677 cfs
North Platte North Platte 4.758624 ft 579.626 cfs
Nr Elm Cr, Nebr. Platte R Mid-Ch, Cottonwood Ranch 4.878672 ft 1079.474 cfs
Rockville Platte 4.239072 ft 127.786 cfs
Roscoe South Platte 3.079264 ft 132.022 cfs
Royalton 1se Platte River (Mn) 3.179304 ft 157.085 cfs
Saratoga North Platte 3.699184 ft 224.861 cfs
Scottsbluff North Platte 4.318776 ft 416.893 cfs
Seminoe Reservoir North Platte River 6322.54112 ft
Sharps Station Platte 6.418304 ft 903.68 cfs
Shelburne Falls Laplatte 2.039504 ft 67.776 cfs
Smithville Little Platte 14.57632 ft 274.987 cfs
South Platte South Platte 2.529208 ft 282.753 cfs
Spinney Mountain Reservoir South Platte 8670.59964 ft
Waterton South Platte 0.679944 ft 37.418 cfs