Trovati 14 livelli idrici aggiornati per 'Wood River'

CANADA - [ ]

Stazione Corpo d'acquaLivello idricoPortataMappa
Above Kastberg Creek Driftwood River 153.7 cm 1.93 m³/s
Above Leaf Rapids Burntwood River 9825.1 cm 8.87 m³/s
Above Manasan Falls Burntwood River 19637.7 cm
At Highway No. 617 Pinewood River 1052 cm 0.23 m³/s
At Monteith Driftwood River 26099.7 cm
Below Little Bow Canal Highwood River 135.8 cm 9.58 m³/s
Near Lafleche Wood River 83.6 cm 0.08 m³/s
Near Mccord Wood River delayed
Near The Mouth Highwood River 218 cm 4.17 m³/s
Near The Mouth Driftwood River 96.2 cm 1.72 m³/s
Near Thompson Burntwood River 18686.9 cm 660 m³/s


Stazione Corpo d'acquaLivello idricoPortataMappa
Lamberton Cottonwood River (Mn) 3.33904 ft 58.598 cfs
Leavenworth Cottonwood River (Mn) 967.032232 ft 121.785 cfs
Marion Reservoir Cottonwood River 1350.024384 ft 79366.755 cfs